Documentations Mecasonic à télécharger

Do you want more information? Download our leaflets!

General Presentation

We are the French expert in thermoplastic assembly since 1969.

OEM Welding Solutions

Discover our range of products designed for the specific integration in production line or special machine.

Ultrasonic Welding Range

Discover our range of ultrasonic welding devices.

Spin Welding Range

Discover our range of welders using spin technology

Hot Plate Welding Range

Discover our range of hot plate welders

Thermic Welding Range

Discover our thermal welder ideal for hot riveting on electronic parts.

Ultrasonic Food Cutting Range

Discover our range of ultrasonic welding devices for food cutting.

ISO 9001

Download our ISO 9001 certificate, attributed by the TÜV organism for 3 years. 

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